
Choose your Trends Pro formula

Screen your customers, prospects, and suppliers intuitively using current company information. You will have access to more than 3.5 million active and inactive companies. An inexhaustible source of relevant information to know your business contacts through and through from the start and stay informed.


€ 695/year

  All company data from official sources on 1 platform.


  Besides detailed figures, ratios, and social balance sheets, Trends Business Information collects recent events (from official sources but also from the press) that may affect the company’s life.


  Financial or administrative incidents: judgements, summons, loss of liability…


  Failure prediction score


  Credit advice by supplier


  Analysis of default risk


  Advance payment recommendation


  Indicators related to the economic context (pandemic, war in Ukraine, …)


  Full list of mandates by director (active or expired)


   SPIDER: connections between companies


  Monitoring: 20 criteria to keep informed of changes at all times.


  Request information for 500 companies

  Monitoring of 500 companies

  1 user

€ 1.750

/3 years



€ 995/year

  All company data from official sources on 1 platform.


  Besides detailed figures, ratios, and social balance sheets, Trends Business Information collects recent events (from official sources but also from the press) that may affect the company’s life.


  Financial or administrative incidents: judgements, summons, loss of liability…


  Failure prediction score


  Credit advice by supplier


  Analysis of default risk


  Advance payment recommendation


  Indicators related to the economic context (pandemic, war in Ukraine, …)


  Full list of mandates by director (active or expired)


   SPIDER: connections between companies


  Monitoring: 20 criteria to keep informed of changes at all times.


  Request information for 1.000 companies

  Monitoring of 1.000 companies

  1 user

€ 2.500

/3 years



€ 1.995/year

  All company data from official sources on 1 platform.


  Besides detailed figures, ratios, and social balance sheets, Trends Business Information collects recent events (from official sources but also from the press) that may affect the company’s life.


  Financial or administrative incidents: judgements, summons, loss of liability…


  Failure prediction score


  Credit advice by supplier


  Analysis of default risk


  Advance payment recommendation


  Indicators related to the economic context (pandemic, war in Ukraine, …)


  Full list of mandates by director (active or expired)


   SPIDER: connections between companies


  Monitoring: 20 criteria to keep informed of changes at all times.


  Request information for 2.500 companies

  Monitoring of 2.500 companies

  2 users

€ 4.995

/3 years


Do you wish to purchase an additional user?
For an additional user you pay €250,00.

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.