Trends Business Information zooms in on all companies and self-employed individuals in Belgium and abroad. Thanks to our two platforms, Trends Top and Trends Pro, which have emerged from our years of experience and acquired expertise, we offer companies relevant data about existing customers, suppliers, or prospects tailored to their needs.
Trends Business Information is part of Roularta Business Media, which is the umbrella name for the business brands within the Roularta Media Group. These media include Trends Business Information, Trends/Trends-Tendances Magazine, and Kanaal Z/Canal Z, which together represent the largest business community in Belgium.
Trends Business Information aims to centralise the commercial and official information needed to make the right business decisions. It moreover seeks to connect entrepreneurs through various platforms.
Trends Business Information wants to be the most relevant partner in the quest for business decisions and professional relationships.
Passion for the media consumer
Commitment to brand and quality
Pursuit of sustainable value, innovation, and growth
One Team, One Family, One Planet
Viewing every challenge as an opportunity
Passion for the media consumer
Commitment to brand and quality
Pursuit of sustainable value, innovation, and growth
One Team, One Family, One Planet
Viewing every challenge as an opportunity
Managing Director
Data & Quality Manager
Research & Business Development
Customer Care Manager
Publisher Trends Top
IT Manager
We support our customers and partners in the healthy growth of their businesses with great enthusiasm. They have a question, we provide the answer. Curious about their experiences?
Are you looking for a new challenge? Passionate about data? Interested in a career at Trends Business Information? Keen to join a dynamic and motivated team? Then don’t hesitate. Take up the challenge. We will welcome you with open arms.
Biblo geeft Trends Top uit in joint-venture met Roularta onder vennootschap Editop. Tony Coenjaerts start met de eerste editie, de top 1.000.
Trends Top evolueert in periode van 10 jaar van TOP 1.000 naar TOP 20.000
Oprichting van Ori Data Base, exclusief beheer van het Centraal Handelsregister.
Nieuwe benaming Euro DB en internationale uitbreiding.
Trends Top start met de uitgave van de eerste sector special, Top Bouw.
Integratie van Euro DB in de Reuters-groep.
Lancering van TOP 100.000 en de TOP website (
Roularta neemt Biblo over en geeft Trends Top uit onder de naam Biblo vanuit Kalmthout
EuroDB werd overgenomen door de Coface-groep, internationaal actief in kredietverzekeringen.
Lancering van nieuwe naam Coface Services Belgium.
Trends Top lanceert nieuwe website met gerenommeerde webtools samen met de Expert Classes.
Verzelfstanding & lancering van het merk B-information met het 360° aanbod: B-marketing, B-finance, B-legal & B-collection.
Trends Top breidt de Top nog verder uit tot TOP 300.000 bedrijven in België.
Roularta Media Group neemt activiteiten van B-information over.
Samensmelting van Trends Top met B-information.
Trends Top breidt de Top opnieuw uit tot TOP 400.000 bedrijven in België.
Volledige integratie van Trends Top en B-information in de Roularta Media Group en lancering van Roularta Business Information.
De integratie van alle Belgische bedrijven en zelfstandigen in één enkele database. Maar tevens de integratie van twee merken Trends Top en Roularta Business Information in één sterk merk Trends Business Information.