
Monitoring bankruptcies in the Belgian Official Gazette

2020, a routine year. If we can agree on something, then it is that, up to now, 2020 has not been an normal year. Experts have shared their opinions and predictions. They have analyzed the economy and sectors and they have informed the involved parties. But estimating the consequences is not an exact science. Who goes bankrupt and who survives? Stay informed and monitor companies.  


Closed bankruptcy

Is a storm of bankruptcies coming our way?

The COVID-19 pandemic brought Belgium in complete lockdown during the months of March and April. Companies had to close and employees were required, if possible, to work from home or were placed on technical unemployment. The economy was almost completely shut down to stop the virus from spreading. Companies suffered losses and employees lost a part of their fixed income. It is therefore logical that this affects the chances of survival of a company.


Where can you find information about bankruptcies?

As is generally known, bankruptcy orders are pronounced daily at the business courts. It takes some time to publish a verdict in the Belgian Official Gazette. In order to include the verdicts in our database as quickly as possible, Trends Business Information has various sources. This allows us to have the information available on the day itself. The data can be sent to you via a monitoring message.

There are also numerous “incidents” that are processed by TBI that can provide a timely indication of the financial health of a company. Even if, for example, bankruptcy is being filed at the business court, and the verdict has not yet been pronounced, you can already find this information in our reports.


Stay informed of bankruptcies

When searching specific information, it often stands out that the Belgian Official Gazette is difficult to read. It takes some time to find what you are looking for, depending on the number of pages that were filed.

Would you like to stay informed of the changes in the statutes of certain partners or business relations? This can be done quickly and easily by monitoring your business relations. The monitoring tool keeps you informed of all changes, both positive and negative.

From numerous sources, such as all deeds published in the annexes to the Belgian Official Gazette, labour tribunals and business courts, Open data sets, etc., these data are processed 24/7. As soon as something changes in a company that is under monitoring, a notification is sent. Changes are also clearly indicated on the company profiles. This ensures an up-to-date overview and it saves time.

Monitoring in de jungle