
Would you like to know more about company data?

Trends Business Information has a passion for data and collects official and unofficial data about all Belgian entities in order to provide the most accurate and relevant information. The trade information is being integrated into one central database and is updated daily with the most current information. Our Trends Top brand provides marketing and sales information. Trends Pro, on the other hand, provides you with financial and legal information. There is a solution for everyone.

Why search for company data?

For a company in the B2B sector, making business and strategic decisions is a daily task. Establishing professional relationships is therefore an important part of an active company’s job description. However, the overload of information makes it difficult for companies to see the wood for the trees.


Trends Business Information is happy to guide you through the jungle of data. Accurate, up-to-date and relevant trading information simplifies the correct assessment of potential risks and the creation of new opportunities that enable further development and growth.


Before making decisions, it is important to thoroughly inform you about, for example, a new customer, supplier or prospect. Therefore, company data are used intensively for competitive analysis, strategic planning, fraud and compliance purposes, among other things. Creditworthiness can be assessed before jumping into a business relationship, because payment defaults and bankruptcies within your client portfolio form a significant threat to the continuity of your company. Don’t wait, but start your entrepreneurial adventure now.

How to quickly find current company data?

The Trends Business Information database contains the entire Belgian population of enterprises, more than 3.5 million entities. Through our high-performance search engine you will find the trade information you are looking for. You can easily find a company through its unique company number or VAT number or you can use the extensive search options such as address details, names, commercial names and unique IDs such as the Lei or ONSS/RSZ number.


Would you like to know more about one of your international customers, partners or suppliers? In cooperation with our selected international partners, you can easily look up data from companies worldwide.


After finding the right company, you can consult all financial and legal information. All relevant data, both positive and negative, are collected into a detailed company identity card.

How do we collect company data?

Trends Business Information is known for its extensive range of trading information. As an experienced data supplier, we turn to reliable and official sources such as the National Bank of Belgium, Crossroads Bank for Enterprises, National Social Security Office, Federal Public Service Justice and Finance, Belgisch Staatsblad/Moniteur belge and to our marketing partners and private operators. In addition, we actively search for data ourselves. This way we can provide you the most relevant and up-to-date information, which you can consult at any time.

What are the benefits of purchasing a business report?

Do you benefit from requesting a business report? We would like to list the advantages.


First, it will take less time. We carefully select all financial and legal data and offer you this information in a clear overview. This way, you don’t lose valuable time searching through various websites.


Secondly, a business report indicates how financially healthy a company is. You will find interesting and important information about competitors, customers and suppliers.


Thirdly, company data gives you knowledge of the people you do business with. Not an unimportant fact either.


Fourthly, you immediately have a clear overview of the composition of the company whose report you have purchased. Thus, the connections between directors and companies are easily made.


Subsequently, the information in the company report will help you discover new opportunities. In the long term, this will result in growth and development.


Finally, you won’t have to purchase a subscription if you only need a business report every now and then.

Any questions?

Trends Business Information is ready to support you


Haven’t you found what you were looking for? No problem, our team of motivated employees behind the scenes will do everything in its power to help you.

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