
It is not always clear whether a company is active or not. Can you find a website? Are they present on social media? Do they have a physical establishment? These questions often pop up with companies of which we lack certainty of activity. How to...

We have all heard of the term ‘B2B marketing’, but what does it mean? Just like companies and enterprises communicate to end consumers and customers, they also communicate towards each other. You can learn more about B2B marketing in the following article.  [vc_separator type='normal' position='center' color='#cccccc'...

Prospection, or should we say, finding (potential) customers, is a fase in the sales process, that is well-known by every entrepreneur, manager, sales manager or seller. But how does one start making a prospection list? What is important? Which conditions must the prospects in your...

Roularta Media Group, parent company of Trends Business Information, stands for a high-performance energy policy that meets the ISO 50001 standard. This standard is an international standard with guidelines for structured energy management....

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text]As an active B2B company you are probably more than familiar with the term business information. We all seek more information about a new supplier, customer or business partner. What is their financial condition? How is their payment...

Many companies are familiar with the filing of annual accounts. For many it is mandatory and for good reason. Publication of the figures ensures that business relations know how they are doing. But where can you consult annual accounts? And why? You can find more...

We are pleased to announce you that information on companies in more countries is available again as of now.As an example we quote countries like Turkey, Egypt and even the United States. After closely monitoring and analyzing with our partners, we have harmonized and adapted our...

Managing Director's mandate obtained fraudulently.Malicious people have successfully published in the Official journal (Annexes) their nomination as Managing Director of healthy Belgian companies without the knowledge of the effective managers of these companies. The publication of nominations and resignations of administrators is indeed realized by simple...